Thursday, April 21, 2011

04.21.11: OVERDUE UPDATE :)

Hey Folks!

Trinity and I regret having lagged on updating you all on her latest. But we've spent some much needed time together in the last few days and we'd like to share her progress with you.

Let's take it back to December 9, 2010. This was the day that Trin discovered some of the best news she'd heard since the beginning of her battle against brain cancer. Upon receiving results on her latest MRI, doctors informed Trinity that the mass inside her brain had responded well to chemotherapy and radiation. This meant that there existed a light at the end of the tunnel because the mass was no longer visible on the MRI slides! God and the amazing team of doctors worked magic so it was a YAY experience for all of us as we cried tears of joy :)

This was not the end of things, however, but rather a new beginning. Trinity was told that she needed to continue her chemotherapy until September 20, 2011. She is currently half way through her treatments and has unfortunately lost most of her hair...

...But Trin brushes this off and remains positive that things will continue along a promising path. She is SO STRONG! Trinity is now undergoing MRIs every two months so that doctors may monitor the situation. She has been helping out with the American Cancer Society and hopes that her journey will inspire others to volunteer as well.

Trinity's birthday is on May 7, 2011 - which is ironic because that is the date of the National Brain Tumor Walk as well! She and I hope that many of you can join us in San Francisco that day to celebrate the completion of one of the most challenging years of Trinity's life. The Brain Tumor Walk is a fundraising 5K marathon to support brain tumor research and patient services at the National Brain Tumor Society.

So Save the Date - Saturday, May 7, 2011!

Over 2,500 people participated last year in 2010 and they raised over $630,000 to support brain tumor research, patient services, and advocacy programs! You can register now for the event at or you can just register on the day of the event as well.

Trin is also assisting in the planning of this Summer's Santa Clara, Campbell, and Hollister Relays for Life. More info to come on those events as the dates near.

Thank you for checking in on Trin's progress and please take the time to comment below as your feedback and support inspires Trinity to keep fighting even on her sickest of days. We will continue to keep you updated on her recovery. Have a great day friends and God bless you all!

Nazy & Trinity

Monday, October 11, 2010


Dear Friends:

Many of you know Trinity Portrum, the 2001 graduate of SBHS and longtime Hollister native who was diagnosed with brain cancer earlier this year at the mere age of 27. Trinity has completed two successful brain surgeries and is currently undergoing chemo and radiation therapy in hopes of a full recovery. As a result of the financial burden this has placed on Trinity, many of you have stepped-up to help this special friend in need. At this time, the Portrum family would like to personally thank all of the friends, family, and generous strangers who have made the possibility of treatment and full recovery - a reality for Trinity. In the spirit of gratitude, we would like to recognize all of the individuals who made personal and anonymous donations in the form of funds, raffle purchases, can locations, donations, and time. Additionally, we would like to thank the following businesses who helped provide both awareness and the supplies possible to make fundraising for Trinity a success:

Speedee-Midas, Casa De Fruta, Neighborhood Pizza, Diaz Liquors, DeRose Winery, Kragen Auto Parts, Rite Aid, Larry's Liquors, Brent Redmond, Tranquility Spa, Cedar House, Leal Vineyards, Suds, Schleeter's Martial Arts Academy, Mandego Apparel, Hollister Drive-In Market, G&M Auto, The Hair Shop, Tri-Way Freezer Meats, Miyako Japanese Restaurant, Jose Quintero Farms, Dona Esther Mexican Restaurant, Jewelry by Stacy Porteur, The Locker Room, Hi Outlet, Knife & Fork Cafe, Kristina's Mexican Restaurant, Mary Kay by Sally Fear, Mars Hill Coffeehouse, Napa Auto Parts, Greenwood Chevrolet, Hollister Speedway, Gold's Gym, Leather by Ron Foster, Portable Paintballing by Ward, and many other unmentioned locals who helped us fight Trinity's battle against brain cancer.

In the event we neglected to mention you or your business, please accept our sincere apologies, as this process has been extremely overwhelming for all those involved. We continue to appreciate your support and prayers as Trinity moves into the next phase of her illness and treatment.

Many Thanks and God Bless,
The Portrum Family

To make a donation please mail or drop-off at your local Speedee-Midas to the attention of:

The Trinity Portrum Foundation c/o Trinity Portrum
1699 Airline Highway
Hollister, CA 95023

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Hello Friends,

I apologize for not writing in a while. A lot has been going on, but thankfully the light is starting to shine through for Trinity! Her hair is starting to grow back; she is finally off steroids/pain meds; and all she's taking now is her seizure medication until she begins radiation and chemo this month. Trin has an appointment on Tuesday to get her treatment schedule.

After Trin's first surgery in February, we realized that the downtime during recovery was a bit lonely for Trin, since the rest of us went back to work and on with life... but Trin was stuck at home... medicated and unable to work or drive. The recovery was challenging for Trin because before she got sick she was working full-time AND going to school full-time! Trin's always been a busy-bee so we knew we had to find something to keep her busy after surgery; so we began searching for things that would help her pass the time since she could only take so many walks, ya know?

Anyway, In February Eddie and Trin discovered these two little amazingly adorable chihuahuas in need of a home. And what better way to lift a girl's spirit than two teenie weenie little beautiful baby girls that she could care for, play with, and dress up!?!! :) Trinity has always been a care-taker of others so it was only natural that having something to take care of would enable her to feel productive throughout her long, tedious recovery.

But then in June we were told by doctors that Trinity had to have another surgery in August because there was more cancer to remove from her brain. This meant that Trin couldn't bring home the puppies quite yet. Thankfully, the family who previously owned these baby pups agreed to care for them for a few months until Trin got through her second surgery; and she was finally able to bring them home last Friday!!! I'm an auntie again, yay!

Before Trin and Eddie were able to bring the babes home, we brainstormed possible names for them. Eddie decided to name his dog "Cali" as in Tupac's "Caaaalifornia Loooove!" And Trinity decided to name hers "Shiraz" (a city in the southwest of Iran that's known for its poets, flowers, and our favorite wine). The puppies are soooo cute!!!!!

Trin & Eddie's new babies - Shiraz & Cali
Oh, and on a cute random note: Today my little brother asked me if Trinity's dad's name is "Trinidad." Haha!  My little brother Shayan and little sister Tina consider Trinity their real big sister cause she's been around since they were born! She's in practically every home video!!! I even remember once years ago, Trinity and I babysat Shayan while my dad and his wife went to dinner. Shayan was about 4 months old and it was the first time at home without his parents so he kept cryyyying and wouldn't stop! I didn't know what to do. Then Trinity went over to the dresser and pulled out a shirt that belonged to Shayan's mom, Tani. She wrapped Shayan in the shirt and the smell of it calmed him and put him right to sleep! I remember thinking how great of a mom Trinity is going to be one day. And now she is and that day is here - she's a doggie mom! Yay <3


Sunday, August 22, 2010


Dear Readers:

I regret to deliver unpleasant news. I have not written in the last couple of days because of surprising developments that have arised as a result of Trinity's second surgery just 10 days ago. The team of doctors at UCSF got together earlier this week and examined the tumor that was removed from Trin's brain. Then on Friday, they called her in for an appointment to personally deliver the news. During this meeting, doctors informed Trinity that her brain tumor has developed into Stage 3 Cancer.

The type of tumor Trinity has is called a Mixed Oligoastrocytoma Grade III. Only 1 in 100,000 people get it and there's nothing that causes it - it just happens. The median age for someone to be diagnosed with oligoastrocytoma is 42 years old; Trinity is just 27. Symptoms of this type of tumor are headaches, seizures, and motor changes - all of which Trin has suffered.

Thankfully, the surgeons removed as much of the tumor as possible without disturbing eloquent regions of Trin's brain (speech/motor cortex) and other critical brain structure. She will continue to undergo subsequent MRI exams for the rest of her life to monitor the resection cavity. Even after surgery, an oligoastrocytoma may recur. Treatment for a recurring brain tumor may include surgical resection down the road - but as of now doctors have scheduled Trin to begin chemo and radiation therapy in 6 weeks.

We've told Trin that we will shave our heads with her if she stands to lose the rest of what hair she has left as a result of therapy. Even better, doctors have informed Trin that they can harvest her eggs if necessary so she can eventually have children, despite the potentially damaging effects of therapy. And since it's a medical issue, her insurance will likely pay the rental fee to hold her eggs in storage.

Survival time of this type of brain tumor varies. Experts say a younger age is one proven factor in improved survival time. Since Trin is young and in otherwise good health, we have reason to believe that she is off to a great recovery since the odds (and faith) are on her side!

We continue to be inspired by Trinity's determination - and we know that God will not give her more than she can handle! She's a pillar of strength and example for all of us to appreciate one-another and not to take anything for granted... life can change so quickly overnight. We love you Trinity!!! Stay strong sister!!! <3


Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Hello Friends,

We are still at our apartment in San Francisco and things are going well. Trinity is beginning to move forward and make significant progress. She will speak with the oncologist tomorrow after the board of doctors reviews her case. She will likely then schedule an appointment to go in and find out what grade of tumor she has. Based on results, we are in positive spirits that results will come back in Trinity's favor.

More good news...doctors say Trinity doesn't have to take vicodin anymore for pain, she can simply take over-the-counter Tylenol. She took Excedrin the first time around after surgery for the pain too. I'm telling you --- this woman is savage! :) She's SO STRONG! Furthermore, Trin's healing very well and doctors have informed us that she can go into the hospital on Monday to have the staples removed from her scalp. It's amazing how resilient the body is.

Alright well that's my update for now. We're enjoying this city weather and may go down to Ocean Beach a little later to get out of the house; it's only a few blocks away from where we are staying on 18th and Kirkham. Have a great Wednesday friends!


Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Trin's doctors have encouraged her to practice walking as much as possible to rehabilitate her left side. Because the brain tumor was deep inside the inner right side of Trin's brain, the motor skills on her left side had a chance of being affected post-op even to the point of paralysis. Thankfully, Trin's doctors worked miracles and were able to remove 95% of the tumor without paralyzing her. Her surgeon this time around (famed UCSF doctor, Mitchell Berger) was the one who invented the technique that was used to remove the remainder of Trin's tumor without having a severe affect on her left side motor skills. We are eternally grateful for the team of doctors and their amazing work!

Still, Trin will undergo intense rehabilitation in order to regain her balance and motor skills. Part of getting better is practicing simple things like walking. Trin's left leg is numb most of the time so she carries it like dead weight, therefore she unfortunately keeps running into walls and tables etc. But with each day we are witnessing progress in her rehabilitation.

Today, Eddie, Erica, and I took Trinity to the Golden Gate Bridge and Fisherman's Wharf to stretch out her legs and get out of the house. Sunlight and fresh air plus laughter and good company is such great therapy for the soul! We want Trin to get out as much as possible so she doesn't get depressed by being stuck inside. The weather was perfect in the city today and we had a fabulous time bay-watching from the bridge and munching on bread bowls at the pier. We also grabbed some matching hoodies to remember her journey and recovery in SF. Tonight, Warren brought over some yummy Chicago-style pizza and a netflix box - so relaxing and cozy times lie ahead! Enjoy your Tuesday night readers...and remember to be thankful for all you have. <3

Love Love Love,

08.17.10: GIVING BACK

Good Morning Folks,

Something special about Trinity's testing brain cancer experience is that it has been inspiring to all of us. I personally have noticed my own eagerness to help others in need even more than before, and to donate to causes that I would have otherwise overlooked in the past.

In this spirit of giving, Trinity was also invited to participate in a UCSF brain tumor study to determine whether new MRI techniques can provide doctors with more info about the cancerous activity in different regions of untreated brain tumors. Trin was asked to partake in the study since she was already undergoing an operation for the removal and biopsy of a brain tumor. These techniques were developed by the genius researchers of UCSF and they're designed to take 3D pictures of the suspected tumor growth beyond what is visible on conventional MRI.

Trinity has asked me to post this blog to spread awareness of this issue. Developments that emerge out of research such as this are what save the lives of our loved ones like Trinity Portrum. So if you or anyone you know might qualify to participate in such a study, please contact Ken Smith at or 415-353-4902. Participation in the research is obviously voluntary and takes only an extra hour in the MRI machine. It's an amazing gift to provide for future patients. Thank you!

To all the Researchers and Survivors!